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Science LinX

Science LinX, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen

Science LinX, the science centre of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen (UG), reaches out and engages pupils, teachers, civil society and the general public with arts & science’ exhibits, workshops, school visits (science truck) and science festivals. By offering scientists a platform, Science LinX wants to increase interest in science and technology at our university. Using a tailor-made approach to each target group, the department facilitates a continuous learning path that links science, education, work and citizenship. With the Erasmus+ project SUSTAIN, Science LinX aims to broaden and connect its regional and international networks.

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Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Valencia, Spain) 

Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Valencia, Spain) is a big state advanced vocational center with a tradition in Erasmus Projects. It is a Spanish National reference centre.


Leeuwarder Lyceum,

part of OSG Piter Jelles

The Leeuwarder Lyceum (part of OSG Piter Jelles) is a school for HAVO and VWO education. We also offer Technasium, VWO Excellence and ConnectIT education. “Follow your talent” is our motto. For example, two of our students are looking into using drones to chase geese away. They are building their own drone.

That is why we are thankful and glad to be part of the SUSTAIN Project. We are thrilled to participate and are looking forward to enrich our education.

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Polibienestar research institute,

University of Valencia

POLIBIENESTAR is a Public Research Institute belonging to the University of Valencia (Spain). It is specialized in research, innovation and social technology, technical advice and training in the field of public policies. Its final mission is the improvement of the Welfare and Quality of Life of society.

POLIBIENESTAR is composed by an interdisciplinary team with 94 researchers with national and European experience and experts in politic science, sociology, psychology, social work, economy, enterprise, law and medicine from eight Spanish Universities and three international.

On the one hand, POLIBIENESTAR participates and coordinated regional, national and European projects  and, on the other hand, collaborates with public and private organisations developing prospective and strategic analysis and implementing designs to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of society.

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Province of Fryslan

Province of Fryslân

The Province of Fryslân is one of twelve Dutch provinces, located in the Northern Netherlands and is a largely rural and agricultural province with a few bigger towns and cities.

Fryslân supports many initiatives carried out for the preservation of nature and to ensure a sustainable landscape. The aim of the provincial education, science, and environmental program (incl. European Capital of Culture 2018) is aimed at strengthening connections with European communities and urban-rural links, with a main goal to engage/involve the Frisian inhabitants, in particular young people, concerning a sustainable future.

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