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Black-tail godwits

European school pupils engaged in citizen science projects
on bird migration and water management
The European SUSTAIN network aims to engage pupils and their families in research projects – what is known as citizen science – on bird migration and water management.
The Erasmus+ project is coordinated by Science LinX, the science centre of the University
of Groningen (UG) Faculty of Science and Engineering.Twelve European partners will develop
e-learning modules on ‘sustainable landscapes’ and research in Spain, Cyprus and the Netherlands, linking learning inside and outside the classroom.


Citizens at festival in Groningen
Citizens at festival in Groningen inspired by building blocks illustrating evolution

Fieldwork during the workweek of vwo 6

Heritage 3

DSC 0404, program of Active and healthy ageing in cape town, South Africa

The Frisians will renovate the 32 km Afsluitdijk to create a Fish Migration River.

Black-tailed Godwits
80% of the Western-European population of the Black-tailed Godwits is breeding in Fryslân
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